Did Beavers Make Their Home In Your Backyard?

Did Beavers Make Their Home In Your Backyard?

Schedule beaver removal services in Fredericksburg, Falmouth, VA, Caroline, Stafford or Spotsylvania County

If your backyard has a pond or creek, a beaver may try to call it home. Wildlife Conflict Resolutions can trap the beaver and remove it away from your home. Our beaver removal services are available in Fredericksburg and Falmouth, VA.

Before we start, we'll provide you with an affordable quote. Schedule an appointment with our licensed and insured beaver control company today.

Why remove beavers from your property?

Beavers may not look like they can do a lot of damage. However, they often cause problems because of their:

  • Diet - Beavers eat a lot of bark and twigs. Don't let them wipe out your ornamental shrubs and plants or put your home at risk of fallen trees.
  • Habitat - Beavers build dams which can cause flooding in your yard.
  • Health - Beavers can carry a wide range of diseases that could spread to your pets.

Don't try to handle a beaver removal on your own. To safely and effectively get rid of an unwanted beaver, talk to our beaver control company today.